Advances and synergies highlighted at transForm Showcase

On March 13, the premises of Fravizel S.A., in Alcanede, witnessed one of the most significant moments to date for the transForm Agenda: the transForm Showcase. The internal event attracted the participation of more than 80 members of the Consortium.

Throughout the day, the project coordinators presented the participants with the results and progress achieved by each of the Green Agenda’s lines of action.

Joana and Inês Frazão, representatives of Fravizel S.A., emphasized the importance of the event for the company, highlighting it as “an opportunity to exchange skills and capacities”.

“A sure and trusting partnership is a partnership in which we all stand to gain for a more promising future,” they said. Fravizel aims to contribute to the development, manufacture and support of technology aimed at automating, digitizing and organizing the forestry sector over the next few years.

For his part, Luís Leal, from AltriFlorestal, shared the forestry sector’s perspective, emphasizing the need for a collaborative approach to drive significant change.

“Together we can build something different, something that motivates us and leads to the processes of change that are needed in the forestry sector,” he said.

The transForm Showcase not only served as a space to present the progress and results of the collaborative projects, but also stimulated the formation of new partnerships and synergies between the members of the consortium. With a clear focus on the technical execution of the projects and the identification of opportunities for further collaboration, the event consolidated the Consortium’s commitment to driving significant change in the sectors in which it operates.

At the end of the event, Alexandra Marques, from CoLAB ForestWISE®, highlighted the importance of reaching tangible milestones in this phase of the Agenda, emphasizing technical and financial execution above 30% as a “very positive” result.

Sandra Valente, also from CoLAB ForestWISE®, as the organizer of the event, highlighted the purpose of the transForm Showcase in demonstrating the results already achieved and signalling the progress planned up to 2025. “The transForm Showcase was an event designed to demonstrate results, but also to activate new collaborations between members of the consortium and between projects.”

As the transForm Agenda moves towards its final goals, events like the transForm Showcase play a crucial role in promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration and the achievement of tangible results.