Digital evaluation of the wood at the factory entrance


This project will test and promote the adoption of innovative technologies to automate the reception and evaluation processes of forest raw materials in forest-based industries.

In this way, efficiency gains will be achieved in operations and a better understanding and management of the raw materials. Additionally, a digital evaluation and an automatic characterization of the wood and biomass at the mills gate will generate information that will contribute to greater transparency and collaboration between buyers, suppliers and forest producers.

Main Activities

Research, Development & Innovation

Productive Investment

Dissemination & Promotion


– new mapping services – land cover map for 2022, bi-monthly land use and land cover change maps, maps of vegetation cover in fuel management strips;

– new artificial intelligence (AI) models: stock classes (eucalyptus and maritime pine), estimated age classes (eucalyptus and maritime pine), post-fire landscape evolution, occurrence of pests (eucalyptus and maritime pine);

– rural fire risk warning and forecasting platform.




Altri Florestal, Anefa, Biotek, Caima, Celbi, CoLAB ForestWISE, ISA, Navigator Pulp Aveiro, Navigator Pulp Figueira, Navigator Pulp Setúbal, Sonae Arauco