
Constructing multifunctional road with industrial by-products


The ultimate goal of this project is to improve the design and construction of forest roads. These roads are fundamental infrastructures for accessing the forest for different purposes (management, maintenance, timber extraction, firefighting and control, recreation). The use of by-products from the forest value chain in the construction of forest roads is an important circular economy practice, encouraged under the EU’s “end-of-waste” strategy.

Main Activities

Research, Development & Innovation


– new mapping services – land cover map for 2022, bi-monthly land use and land cover change maps, maps of vegetation cover in fuel management strips;

– new artificial intelligence (AI) models: stock classes (eucalyptus and maritime pine), estimated age classes (eucalyptus and maritime pine), post-fire landscape evolution, occurrence of pests (eucalyptus and maritime pine);

– rural fire risk warning and forecasting platform.


Univ. de Aveiro


Altri Florestal, Megavia, Navigator Forest Portugal