Training and Dissemination Action promotes innovation and new technologies in the establishment of forest stands

On February 28th, a Training and Dissemination Event was held in Coruche, promoted by The Navigator Company and CoLAB ForestWISE, focused on the introduction of innovation and new technologies in the installation and maintenance of forest stands.

The event had the special participation of researchers from the Institute for Forest Research and Studies (IPEF), namely Saulo Guerra, Scientific Manager, and Guilherme Oguri, Executive Coordinator of the Cooperative Program on Forest Mechanization and Automation.

With the aim of identifying and evaluating new technologies and mechanization guidelines for the main operations involved in setting up forest stands, the target audience for this event was employees of the transForm Agenda’s partner entities/companies, as well as managers and technicians in charge of forestry operations.

As part of Activity 3 – Specialized Training in Forest Mechanization and Telemetry of the transForm Agenda’s Forest Knowledge Academy, the event offered a comprehensive program with a relaxed atmosphere for sharing knowledge between Brazil and Portugal. The sessions were divided between an auditorium and practical activities in the field.

During the morning, participants had the opportunity to attend lectures on the latest technologies and trends in mechanization in forest stand installation and maintenance, namely soil preparation, planting, irrigation and undergrowth control. It was also possible to learn about evaluations for calculating operating yields and the importance of assessing the quality of soil preparation and the quality of planting.

At the end of the morning, participants enjoyed a picnic-style lunch in the countryside, promoting not only learning, but also networking and interaction between those present.

In the afternoon, the event continued with practical demonstrations of land preparation and planting equipment, providing an enriching experience to complement the knowledge acquired during the morning’s theoretical sessions.

In short, the Training and Dissemination Action was a fundamental event for sharing knowledge and promoting innovation and the adoption of new technologies in the installation of forest stands in Portugal.