“Mobile Applications for Forest Inventory” opened the Forest Knowledge Academy’s first training course

On October 11 and 12, the first training session was held as part of Agenda transForm’s Project 5.1 – Forest Knowledge Academy. The training, led by Mariana Amaro and Pedro Britto, from CoLAB ForestWISE, on Mobile Applications for Forest Inventory, was attended by 14 participants and aimed to introduce the Agenda’s partners to the new technologies associated with the practice of Forest Inventory, focusing mainly on the use of Apps for collecting dendrometric data.

The first project concerned the “Challenges and opportunities of using digital technologies in forestry operations in Portugal”, followed by a “Roadmap to boost electric motorization in the Portuguese forestry sector” and a “New methodological approach to facilitate the measurement of wood piles using smartphone apps”.

In recent years, new technologies have been developed in a variety of areas, including the forestry sector. Examples of this are mobile smartphone applications that aim to collect dendrometric data for forest inventory, namely ARBOREAL and KATAM.

These apps were developed by Scandinavian companies and offer a range of features that can, in certain circumstances, replace traditional data collection processes.

Their use has shown potential advantages over the traditional inventory method, such as:

• Reduction in data collection time of at least 50% compared to the traditional method;

• User-friendly language: can be used by various types of users, including those without specific technical knowledge;

• Only one operator is needed for data collection;

• Results report in the application immediately after data collection and without internet;

• Geographical information on plots;

• Possibility of changing the internal equations for height and volume;

• Quick decision-making in forest management: access to data in real time.

ForestWISE has been working on adapting these applications to the national forestry reality and promoting their use in Portugal.