Coordinators from REN’s forestry service providers contribute to the solution developed with the OPTIVEG project

On October 20, in Ermesinde, REN brought together the coordinators of the company’s Integrated Vegetation Management work. The aim was to raise awareness of the OPTIVEG project and the solution that REN is developing to support decisions aimed at increasing the productivity of Integrated Vegetation Management operations.

OPTIVEG is one of the three projects under REN’s responsibility as part of FORESTWISE and which is part of the Mobilizing Agenda for Business Innovation, TransForm.

“Given the real-world experience of these teams, it was of great interest, I would even say fundamental, to gather their input for the success of the final solution we are developing,” explains Pedro Marques, REN’s head of Easements. Specifically, REN is developing a model for calculating the productivity of different pieces of equipment in different environmental conditions, which will support decision-making in the operational planning process – which machines should be allocated according to the conditions of the environment/easement strip, for example. Adjusting a model involves establishing environmental and equipment classes, where the contribution of the coordinators is essential.

Alongside Pedro Marques was David Almeida, from REN, who together with Pedro Britto, from FORESTWISE, and Reinaldo Gomes, from INESC-TEC, presented the OPTIVEG Project.