Intermunicipal Network of Biomass Parks and Forest Containers

The CIM Região de Coimbra, under the project ‘Regional Networks for the Valorisation of Woody Biomass’, part of the transForm Agenda, is promoting, in conjunction with the municipalities, an Intermunicipal Network of Biomass Parks and Forest Containers, the aim of which is to use agricultural and forestry waste for energy purposes. This project aims to […]
Training in the Evaluation of Machinery for Forestry Operations

On 9 October, Figueira da Foz will host a training session entitled ‘Machine evaluation for more effective management of forestry operations’, as part of Agenda transForm’s Forest Knowledge Academy project. The event will take place at Somitel’s premises and will be led by Maurício Acuña, an expert from the Institute of Natural Resources – LUKE […]
Forestis brings “Better Forest” to Boticas

Last Friday, September 13, Forestis carried out a demonstration visit to the pilot area of Fiães do Tâmega e do Veral, in Boticas, as part of the Better Forestry project of the transForm Agenda, in partnership with CAPOLIB. Participants got an up-close look at the good forestry practices implemented in the field. It should be […]
Pre-Summer Conjunctural Land Cover Map (COSc): An Innovative Tool for Landscape Management in Portugal

As part of the “Remote Sensing Data for Forest Management” project, developed by the transForm Mobilizing Agenda and funded by the Recovery and Resilience Programme (PRR), the latest version of the Pre-Summer Conjunctural Land Cover Map (COSc) has been released. This cartographic product, developed by the Directorate-General for Territory (DGT), is essential for the Portuguese […]
Pinheiros do Futuro – Greater volume of wood for sawmills

This video report from the PINUS Centre, filmed in the Alva de Pataias Forest Perimeter, tells us about some of the new stages in the maritime pine genetic improvement program, driven by the transForm agenda. Centro PINUS is one of the 56 entities that are part of the transForm Agenda, funded by the PRR, through […]
Presentation of the Demonstration Field Network at FACECO 2024

As part of the Better Forest Program, which is part of the TransFrom Agenda, 2BForest is organizing training activities at the 32nd edition of FACECO – the Odemira Cultural and Economic Activities Fair. On July 19, 20 and 21, 2BForest will be giving several presentations to the public about the forestry good practice demonstration camps […]
ForestSTATS: New Digital Platform Centralizes Data from the Portuguese Forestry Sector

The ForestSTATS platform, developed as part of the transForm Agenda, was presented to the public at the annual Western Forestry Forum. In order to value and understand the Portuguese forestry sector, it is necessary to characterize it through numbers, and statistical data is an important tool for achieving this goal. However, the information on this […]
Workshop on mechanized stripping of cork oaks with fertigation

A workshop on mechanized stripping of cork oaks with fertigation was held on July 2 at Herdade do Conqueiro, in Avis, as part of the Irricork trial under the transForm Agenda. The aim of the demonstration was to use machines and other instruments to strip trees of secondary and mature cork, showing good practices and […]
IUFRO: Agenda transForm in the spotlight at one of the world’s most prestigious forestry events

Entre os dias 23 e 29 de junho de 2024, decorreu em Estocolmo, Suécia, o Congresso Mundial da IUFRO (União Internacional das Organizações de Investigação Florestal), um dos mais prestigiados eventos globais sobre florestas, realizado a cada cinco anos desde 1893. Este ano, o evento foi organizado pela Universidade Sueca de Ciências Agrárias em estreita […]
Electric motorization in the spotlight at FORMEC 2024

Pedro Britto, a researcher at CoLAB ForestWISE, attended the International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC 2024) in Gdansk (Poland). At this event, which brought together leading experts in digitalization, mechanization and future trends in forestry operations and exploitation, he presented the transForm Agenda with the electric motorization project in the Portuguese forestry sector, which […]