“Mobile Applications for Forest Inventory” opened the Forest Knowledge Academy’s first training course

On October 11 and 12, the first training session was held as part of Agenda transForm’s Project 5.1 – Forest Knowledge Academy. The training, led by Mariana Amaro and Pedro Britto, from CoLAB ForestWISE, on Mobile Applications for Forest Inventory, was attended by 14 participants and aimed to introduce the Agenda’s partners to the new […]
CENTRODEC in the spotlight at the ESRI Portugal Meeting

The work carried out by REN in preventing and fighting forest fires, using technology and innovative solutions for greater resilience of energy infrastructures dominated REN’s participation in the 20th ESRI User Meeting (EUE), on October 17. From the Rural Fire Alert System, developed in 2017 with ESRI tools, to the innovative infrastructure monitoring system developed […]
FORMEC 2023: International Symposium on Forest Mechanization

Pedro Britto, Senior Researcher at CoLAB ForestWISE, took part in the International Symposium on Forest Mechanization, from September 20 to 22, where he presented three projects from the transForm Agenda, within the scope of digitalization and Forest 4.0 for the decarbonization of the sector. The first project concerned the “Challenges and opportunities of using digital […]
Electric Vehicle Project presented at Open Base Day

On September 17, the Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI), a partner in the P2.5 project: Boosting electric motorization in the forestry sector in Portugal, as part of the TransForm Agenda, had a space dedicated to Electric Vehicles at the Open Base Day in Monte Real. This project aims to create an Electric […]